jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

Educating Rita Act 1 Scene 6

Rita rushes in Frank's office , she wants to tell someone who understands about plays that she thinks Mcbeth was " bloody great and dead good" . She uses these expressions, one would not normally use in a conventional, formal essay to express how she felt about it. She expresses her thoughts this ways because this is the way she knows how to do so. I do not think if in an essay written by Rita, these expressions would be wrong, they show her inner being...

On the other hand when Frank tells her about the interpretation of Mcbeth, she feels all the enthusiasm with which she entered the room at the beginning of the scene vanished into thin air.
She felt she did not really know how to understand the play as she imagined she did and she expresses this by saying: " All they out there, they know all about that sort of thing don't they", referring to all the students at college, meaning she was not like the rest and she was not able to interpret the play the way Franf talk about it.
When it comes to teaching, sometimes we sort of impose a point of view or a way of doing things, which might cause some students who do not work or analize things in the same way to think what they do is wrong because they just do not follow the same pattern.
I thing we, as teachers should create the right atmosphere so that students may feel at ease to express their ideas and share different points of view, after all I believe the more diversity a class has, the richer....

5 comentarios:

Yohi dijo...

Hi Sil!
I totally agree with you. I don't think we can use that language on an essay no matter how motivated we are. Isn't it a professional defect?

Gladys Baya dijo...

Yoha and Silvia:
I'd like to especially invite you to visit this page in our class wiki and comment on it, either here or there, as you like!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Gladys Baya dijo...

I find your remark that "I do not think these expressions would be wrong if in an essay written by Rita" most interesting, Silvia... Do you then believe academic standards need to be negotiated between teachers and students perhaps? 8-D!?!

You also tell us you believe "the more diversity a class has, the richer...." How did you mean to finish that statement, I wonder? And can you anticipate any challenges in particular such a belief might bring about to teachers and learners?

Big hug,

SIlvia K dijo...

On the one hand I do believe that at times academis standards can be negotiated. Why not..? If in an opinion piece a student shows openly his inner being and feelings expressing in such a way I would let him go ahead. It is more important for me as a teacher that he dares to write first and not to be encouraged because he is not within academic standards...

On the other hand, by saying the more diversity a class the richer, I meant that it would not be a challenging and passionate job for me as a teacher to have students who can cope, do well and within some time do not need anything from me any longer... what would my job be in such a case? Trasmitting knowledge? Boring!!!!

Gladys Baya dijo...

Beyond the boredom, the main problem with seeing teaching as a question of "mere knowledge transmission", Silvia, would be that'd pretty unnecessary in a society where people have such easy access to information... No, if we're to have a job, it'll be doing something quite different, I guess!

As for your other comment, I do see your point, and certainly agree with you. What you need to bear in mind is that these are but choices we're making, and as such they should be "wisely made".