martes, 19 de junio de 2007


I loved how Savater finished his writing. I think as a parent I would have said the same to my kids. I agree that by expressing his feelings in that way he's passing on how he lives ethics himself and at the same time he is able to transmit it to other generations.
I think we all try to do this the same way not just as parents but as teachers as well. Teaching with the example, speaking our minds whenever we have the opportunity to do so in front of a class in order to share experiences which might be profitale for others to know. As he mentions life is short, and it is a gift to be on the living side, and be willing to live life the best we can, choosing the best options we can think of and be open minded towards the future.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2007

Chapter 10

I've always been quite reluctant towards politics, firstly because I do not know much about the subject and secondly because throughout my short life span voting and being able to choose people who helped organize our country, province or neighbourhood (in Savater's words) I've always felt disappointed.
Anyway, what Savater tries to put across is pretty true and the connection he shows between ethics and politics is real and acceptable. However, I think none of the points he metions politicians are supposed to carry on are so and in consequence, none of people's ethical considered actions are carried on either. Why? I believe it must be a circular story having consequences in others actions because what others did first and so on and so forth.
What I do agree with, is that ethics has to do with choosing well within one's freedom, taking other individuals into account whatever action we perform , being conscious of the fact that if what we do may be harmful for others should not be done. So, having this idea in mind who teaches us to be ethical??? Politicians with their own example??? Neighbours??? Teachers??? Parents??? I can speak just for myself and on behalf my own experience and I think, the first steps in ethical behaviour, to give it a kind of name, is what we receive at home and how the people who raise us , parents, grandparents, etc... give us examples of good living. As we grow, we can tell the differnce between ethical and non ethical actions according to our own background. It seems quite simple and there must be many exceptions, for as Savater says, we are all "unique", so there are millions of unique examples, theories, and ways of living to take into account. However,after all the reading , and according to my unique, personal conclussion, I think there is something which must be shared in common for every single person and that is living one's life, taking into account there are millions of people who share this planet with us, and no matter their race, religion or personal believes they all have the same right as us to live their good life too and "that" should be solemnely respected.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2007

Chapter 8

I totally agree with Savater, the answer is as simple as¨ happiness¨. Anyway as simple as it might seem, it is one of the most difficult things to experience and keep! For not anyone learns to find simple happiness in simple things. Sometimes we, humans chase some objective we think will bring happiness and on the contrary we do not find what we are looking for. It is another skill we learn while living, learning to find happiness everyday in simple things, aware of not beeing extremist with things.