martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

Chapter 6

Two main points called my attention and self reflexion after reading this chapter.
On the one hand, I wondered a lot about this question of ¨moral stupidity¨that Savater talks about. I reflect upon those kids at school who want to be loved, taken care of , and be paid attention to but they do not get these things thoughout their actions. In fact, they do things just to get the opposite: be disliked by others and even become unbearable at times. So, I think, how wise we need to be to read these actions a little further and react in consequence! A really difficult tast a teacher has to be ale to perform when it comes to education these days!
On the other hand, Savater refers to our own freedom as regards feeling ¨remorseful¨andwhen I read this I feel we are going back to the starting point: ¨decision¨, learning how to choose our ¨good life¨, which is not an easy task either, however, it is the way we are supposed to live. I do believe that experiencing different events in life, will give us wisdom to be able to tell whether to choose one thing or otherans even if we choose wrongly, we have to learn something out of that wrong decision. After all, as Borges said: ¨no man has lived in completely favorable times¨.

3 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Interesting question, that of teachers who might behave as "imbeciles" (in Savater's terms, of course!) when dealing with challenging students, Silvia! Always thinking along Savater's lines, have you asked yourself what might lead them to behave so?

I do not believe experience always makes us wiser... something very important must come with it so that we learn from it.... Otherwise,... what do you think???


PS: when you said "it's the way we are supposed to live"... What did you mean? Supposed by whom?

SIlvia K dijo...

I always wonder why sts. bevave in certain way, which does not mean I always come to a conclussion, but I try.
It is true we need some more elements apart from experience to be wise, common sense is essential.
What I meant by that phrase was that we should take advantage of our own experiences throughout life, just that.

Gladys Baya dijo...

It sounds as if you weren't really eager to keep on reflecting on these questions here that much, Silvia... I guess we'd better move onto another issue, I'm sure if the questions really matter they'll crop up again at some other time!