domingo, 13 de mayo de 2007

Chapter 5

I guess Savater wants to make a point in this question of ¨living the good life¨making it clear that material things are just a tiny part of this good life. However, deeper elements, such as moral values, human relations, giving to and receiving from others, respecting our peers are part of the growth of human race and are also things that are part of our way of living, while material things might change our mood, be temporary or permanent but not the most important expectation in life.

3 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Do you feel materialism is a negative value for our society today, Silvia? Or, on the contrary, do you feel most people around us would disagree with Savater?

How about your ten and young learners? Do you think they share this value? What do the media tell them?



SIlvia K dijo...

I do not think materialism is negative. I do think we should not expect life to be just something material. I agree with Savater and I guess he is right when he mentions there are other more important things in life to give value to apart from the material ones.
I guess the media tell what they are told to tell by their authorities, not what people need to listen to at times. I do not believe media today help people´s moral values.

Gladys Baya dijo...

Let me see if I can organize my ideas...

1. I didn't mean to ask you whether you approve of materialism as positive or not, Silvia, but whether in your view most people in our society support this value ("i.e. "positive value") or not (i.e. "negative value"). Sorry if you find my statement misleading!

2. When you speculate "the media tell what they are told to", are you aware that that's a choice somebody is making (Savater talks about "licking the oppressor's boot", remember?). And do audiences and viewers also make a choice in this case? Or are they passive? In her last post, Andrea discusses the close relationship between freedom and responsibility... Who is responsible for what in this case?

3. As an EFL teacher, what about this discussion might make an impact upon your teaching? What's your role?

Looking forward to reading your reply this looooong comment!


PS: values are always moral, remember? ;-)